Is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.It causes WHITEHEADS, BLACKHEADS and PIMPLES.
Acne is most common among teenagers,though it affects people of all ages. Efective ACNE TREATMENTS are available, but acne can be persistent.

Double chin is a very common problems mostly in over-weighted people or due to progress of decrease in collagen concetration. According to the type of double chin (fat accomulation or skin sagging). We offer 2 different type of treatments: HIFU for sagging skin and BELKYRA injection. For some individuals we offer a combination therapy by both of these in very scheduled time manner.

As you age, your skin loses elasticity which causes your skin to stretch, in turn making your pores larger. Both exposures to sunlight as well as the crucial aging process, both have major effects of enlarged pores.

An acquired disorder of hyperpigmentation:symmetrically distributed brown to gray macules and coalescent reticulated patches mostly on the face(rarely on upper chest,neck,upper back,extensor forearms), and have 4 subtypes according to the depth of MELANIN DEPOSITION. Prevalence widely ranging from 1-40%; mostly in pregnant women,darker skins,Hispanic & Asian and African descent.There are some evidences that melasma can trigger by UV rays and hormonal imbalance.Treatment is usually more difficult than other types of pigmentations and consist of some topical medications(hydroquinone, tritinoin,corticosteroid),laser,light therapy,chemical peel and microdermabrasion.

Fine lines are shallow lines that are closer to the skins surface. Wrinkles are more deep. With age, those fine lines will turn into wrinkles as the skin begins to lose elasticity & starts to stretch or sag.

Refers to the discoloration of your skin. Your skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. When your skin cells become damaged from the sun, this will affect the Melanin production. Hyperpigmentation is what causes your skin to darken.

PRP rejuvenates, Biorevitalization hydrates and HIFU tightens! All these treatments can be used to treat under the eyes.

A very new method of exfoliation; use some benefits of charcoal: after putting a charcoal mask on face,we swipp the mask with a specific type of LASER BEAM(Nd-YAG): the combination of CHARCOAL and Nd-YAG laser can be very effective for skin rejuvenation,pigmentation removal,acne problems/scar, cleansing and exfoliating the skin.

Mainly, we have 2 types of peeling: 1- Chemical peels,which means use of some acids(low concentration) like lactic acid, or maleic acid for peeling off the outermost layer of EPIDERMIS (corneum layer) for opening pores, diminish some types of scars/pigmentations and glowing/shinning the skin. 2- Mechanical peel: use of corrundum powder (aluminium oxide) or nowadays diamond-tipped device: both are called: MICRODERMABRASION. Both of these peeling types are for EXFOLIATION.

Combining IR & RF with Vacuum Mechanical Massage Roller promotes an increase in Circulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Cellular Metabolism, & Collagen Production. Eventually over time with this treatment your cellulite will reduce drastically, wrinkels and stretch marks will diminish causing skin tightening and circumferential reduction.

This is THE FUTURE OF SKIN CARE: the other name is: Collagen-Induction-Therapy (CIT), after numbing the area we made microwounds by a sterile tip(contains 12 or 36 or 42 microneedles) and these microwounds can stimulate your own body repaire system. The most important indications are: rejuvenation, acne-related problems, minor scar/tattoo removal,pigmentation and many more.

Also known as a Vampire Face – Lift, uses injections for skin rejuvenation and tightening. This treatment uses patients own blood to extract plasma component, containing stem cells and growth rich platelets. It is than reinjected back into the skin. It helps to support overall Skin Rejuvenation.

Skin Rejuvenation or SR uses Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to treat pigmentation, fine lines, pores and rosacea. Procedure requires 3-4 sessions, spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Its almost painless and has no downtime. It is recommended to be done in fall/winter, early spring time. The sunlight/ tanning is a contraindication.

Besides surgery, the most effective treatment is HIFU.
HIFU stands for Highly Intense Focused Ultrasound: Uses ULTRASOUND WAVE ENERGY to stimulate FIBROBLASTS: cells mostly located in DERMIS and are respnsible to produce and secret COLLAGEN & ELASTIN & INTERCELLULAR SUBSTANCE: these are essentials for skin tone and texture. The procedure is painless and very safe.

Combining IR & RF with Vacuum Mechanical Massage Roller promotes an increase in Circulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Cellular Metabolism, & Collagen Production. Eventually over time with this treatment your cellulite will reduce drastically, wrinkels and stretch marks will diminish causing skin tightening and circumferential reduction.